Disclaimer: I don't own Passions... blah blah blah...JER... blah blah blah... TPTB would probably kill me... blah blah blah... writen in good fun, and will put back were I found them... blah blah blah...

 Note: I have had this banner lying around for a long time, finally found a story to go with it.

 Please read Saving Grace too!

 FEEDBACK: Please I am begging you! I am crawling on the floor here!

Any Day But Today
by Annabelle

 Any day but today. It could have happened any day but why did it have to happen today. Luis's mom had to call and ruin the whole thing. Why is that it is always that damned phone that gets in our way, that or someone is knocking at the freaking door. I swear the next time I am going to unplug the phones and toss his cell phone and mine out the window. Any day but today, this could have happened any day but it should not have happened today.

 I realize that I might be sounding a little bit selfish here, I mean I know that Miguel, his girlfriend, and best friend are trapped in hell but couldn't they have waited at least another hour before telling everyone that they were trapped in hell. I mean he almost said it. He was down on one knee for crying out loud, why is this happening!

 Theresa had managed to get Ethan out of my house, I do not want to know how, but she did. Everything was going to be prefect. Sure he would not have had the ring but that does not matter to me, I just wanted him to ask. That stupid phone, stupid phone!

 I just want to take his phone and stomp on it, hard. I want to beat it with a baseball bat, drop a brick wall on it, run it over with my car, and then throw it into the harbor! I have always thought that modern technology was a wonderful thing. Instant messaging, cell phones, computers, and all that stuff, I used to think it was the prefect way to communicate with people but now. Now I know what a pain all of it really is! I hate modern technology!

 You know what though, I cannot really blame it on technology. I mean those kids are always getting themselves into trouble. That wonderful night that Luis and I decided to start over, well they messed that up too. I swear whenever something fantastic is about to happen between Luis and me we always get a call or something about those kids, I want to call them stupid but this is Luis's brother we are talking about here, I do not want to be too mean. Still though, first with the mineshaft now with this portal into hell. These teens have the highest likelihood for getting into a bad situation I have ever seen, and they are not even doing drugs, at least I think they are not doing drugs. If they were doing drugs that might explain a few things, but still the point is that they are always getting into scraps on really important nights of my life.

 So right now I am sounding totally self-absorbed, but you try living my life and then see how you feel. For once I would just like to have a normal day, a normal date with my boyfriend. To be able to go out into town with out having to worry about what everyone thinks about a Crane dating a cop. I know I asked for this, that it can't be helped, but just once I would like to feel like I was just a simple girl dating a wonderful man. That will never happen, I realize that, but one can hope, can't they.

 You know I guess it really does not matter though what other people think though. I love him, that is all that matters. That is right world, I love Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald. I love him! I feel like I want to shout out to the whole world, and have it printed in all the head lines of all the newspapers across the world. American Princess finds love with American Hero who saved her life numerous times, I probably could get it printed in at least the Washington Post. Then when I get engaged there will be thousand of headlines, millions of reporters trying to get a picture of the American Princess and her knight in shinning armor.

 Oh no! Luis will hate that! I can't believe I never thought of this before but Luis is going to hate having his life and engagement splashed across headlines all over the world. What horrid things newspapers are! I hate newspapers! If the stupid newspaper is going to keep Luis from proposing to me than I will burn down every single newspaper buildings and news television studios across the world, because no doubt the television news would bother us too.

 Stupid hell fire! Forget the newspapers. There will be nothing for them to talk about if Luis and I don't make it out of this alive. I don't even want to think that Luis won't make it out. Oh god! Why are all this horrid thoughts coming to me? Luis please be safe, you have to be safe.

 Honestly this could have happened any day, it could have happened tomorrow, a year from now, a month ago, three weeks from now, but it had to happen today. Why today? I honestly think that this kids have something against me, that or their parents do. You would think after the prom boat, the mineshaft, ice skating tragedy, and the Christmas tree lighting that their parents would have learned to keep an extra close eye on them? Nope! Sam and Grace just let their kids go gallivanting around Harmony not worrying for a second what trouble they might get into. I know Sam and Grace are good people but maybe they are just not the best parents, who knows. I mean Pilar does allow her son to get into the same troubles that the girls get into. But you know the funny thing, all the trouble always seems to be centered around that Charity girl. I have always known that there was something off about her, now I am sure of it.

 One knee for crying out loud, he was on one knee Charity. Don't you think you could have waited at least another hour before you decided to be dragged into hell? Okay now am I only sounding selfish but uncaring a well. I don't want to be an egotistical snob like Julian, but you try almost getting proposed to and then tell me how non-self-centered you are?

 Despite all my longing to help everyone else I still keep coming back to the same thing. I go through the whole circle of everything that has happened up until Pilar called us at the cottage and see the same thing over and over. This could have happened any day, any day at all, but not today.


 So what did you think? Please tell me! I might actually keep going with this, but I am not sure here. I have three other on-going stories as it is, so if you want more, tell! Dinner calls


get this gear!