Disclaimer: I only own myself and any other new characters that pop up a long the way, expect for characters that have been mentioned but have not be given life. I am working for Lennie Marie Inc., well not really working for them but they sponsor my story and my writings. Elizabeth is just a pen name, there is a real person around here somewhere. NBC and the creators, directors, and such are the ones that own Passions and I just borrowing the characters to play with. I promise to put them back where I found them when I am done. Thanks! Bye!

Harmony: Homecomings

by Annabelle

Chapter 6 part 3

Crane Dinning Hall

"Well you two better get out there before Ethan and Theresa out do you," Elizabeth said as she sunk up behind Sheridan and Luis.

Sheridan was startled, "Geez Liz! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

Elizabeth giggled, "Nope just trying to get you two to dance! Now come on, get up, and go dance!"

"If you haven't noticed they are not playing tango music Elizabeth," Luis pointed out her.

"I can fix that," Elizabeth headed toward where the band was.

Sheridan just put her hand to her forehead, "Please tell me she is not about to do what I think she is about to do."

Elizabeth spoke with the conductor and he stopped the music. She took a microphone from him, "I am really sorry to have that song cut short."

"I knew it," Sheridan said as listened to her friend in horror.

"She is going to make us get up and dance, isn't she," Luis started to catch on to what Elizabeth was about to do.

"Yep," Sheridan moved her chair back from the table. "Well we better start getting ready now."

Elizabeth looked at them, "Like I said, I am sorry to have that song stopped but I think you will all agree with me that it was worth it, because now my daughter and Officer Lopez-Fitzgerald are going to dance one of their famous tangos."

"Told ya she was gonna do it," Sheridan said as Luis took her hand and lead her to the dance floor.

"Well I figured she was going to do something like this. I mean she did tell me she wanted us to dance," Luis informed her.

"You knew!" Sheridan fumed.

"Well I didn't know she was going to public humiliate us first," Luis wanted to say something else but Elizabeth continued to speak.

"I know most of you do not know this, but I was a dancing instructor back in Spain. I am going to continue my teachings here in Harmony at the Youth Center. But in order to do that I needed other teachers. So of course my daughter and Luis popped into my mind. They will be my lead instructors. The lessons will be free to the youth of Harmony as an after school activity type of thing. I know this will sound cliché but I know the importance of keeping kids occupied after school, and not everyone will like dancing but for those who want to learn, equipment and teachers will be provided. So please let everyone know about the lessons. I think the will start sometime next week but look for an official announcement in the Harmony newspaper. Now I would like to present to you my two lead teachers," Elizabeth finished her lengthy speech and held her arm out towards Luis and Sheridan.

The music began and Sheridan and Luis had no choice but to dance. "You knew that this was going to happen didn't you? You knew that Elizabeth was going to have a dance studio at the Youth Center," Sheridan whispered to him as the danced.

"I knew that she was planning on asking you about it before she said anything, but you obvious ticked her off enough that she decided not to," Luis informed her.

"I knew I should have just kept my mouth shut about her not eating," Sheridan followed Luis's led but she was not happy.

He picked up on her anxiety, "Don't think about that right now. If we don't do a good job with this dance I am sure Elizabeth will have something else planned for us. So unless you want her making our lives harder just concentrate on the dance."

Sheridan smiled to show her agreement and they continued the dance perfectly. Luis knew that Sheridan really did not mind the idea of working at the Youth Center. She was just mad because Elizabeth had not talked to her about it first. Not that Elizabeth would have given her the chance to say no if they had talked about it.

Elizabeth smiled at them and she knew that they were really meant for each other. It was going to take her about a day or so to make them admit to them, but they would. The only thing she had to do was to make sure that Hank Bennett did not try to mess things up. That's why she had Ethan dip her when they were dancing near the Bennett table. She knew that Hank was watching her and what that dip did do to her dress. She smiled when she remembered the way he looked at her. This was going too be to easy, although Alistair would be mad at her. He knew that there would be a price to pay with trying to Sheridan and Luis together. He had messed it up so much for them that she now had major damage control to do. Now she had to move herself in a place where it would not be to absurd if Hank asked her to dance.

Elizabeth slowly made her way to the Bennett table when Julian came up to her, "Hello Mother."

"Julian, shouldn't you be dancing with Ivy?" Elizabeth smiled at her annoying son. She needed to get away from him, and fast!

"Oh, Ivy does not like to dance with me," Julian sulked a little.

Elizabeth's temper started to boil again. She had just about lost all patience with Julian and his wife. "Well you tell her that she better be on the dance floor with you by the next song or her wonderful daughter-in-law to be will not be the only to answer to me tomorrow. Okay?"

"Feisty! I like it," Julian tried to move closer to her.

Elizabeth blocked him, "I am your father's wife. Go dance with your own wife before the press realizes what you are trying to do to me."

Julian sulked away from her. She kind of felt bad for him. "Julian make sure that you and Ivy are in the dance floor for the next song, or Alistair will be mad." Elizabeth laughed as she watched Julian tell Ivy what she had ordered them to do.

She finally got herself in a good position in front of the Bennett table. She kept watching Luis and Sheridan who did not seem to notice that the whole room was now watching them. The two were so caught up in each to other that they were in their own world. Their dance was a thing of beauty and it allowed the outsider to take a peek into their world and see what true love was.

Elizabeth stood there and waited but nothing happened. She knew she had an affect on Hank but it was probably his big brother that was keeping him away. Just as she was about to resort to desperate measures Theresa walked up to her.

"Isn't wonderful to watch them dance? They are so in love," Theresa said as she watched them in awe.

Elizabeth got an idea that would help her plan even more than just asking Hank to dance. "Theresa do you and your mother know Flamenco?"

Theresa looked at her, "A little, but not the traditional Flamenco. It is the gypsy kind, where woman kinda have a dance off."

Elizabeth smiled, "Perfect. I think I have to put Sheridan back in her place. A dance off is the exactly what I need to do to make sure she remembers who taught her how to dance. Do me a favor. Go the band and ask them to play Seville by Hans Zimmer, then make sure your mother is ready to dance, okay?"

"Okay Mrs. Crane," Theresa went to talk to the band and her mother.

Elizabeth kept watching Luis and Sheridan, "This is going to be so much fun. Sherie you are going to help yourself without even realizing it." She laughed to herself and glanced behind her. She saw that Hank and Sam turned their heads, she knew they had been looking at her. Grace still was looking at her and smiled. Elizabeth waved to them but Pilar came back with Theresa before anything else happened.

Pilar seemed worried, "Theresa says that you want to do a Flamenco dance. Do you really think you are up to? You did not have that much to eat."

"I am going to be fine Pilar. I never eat that much after I travel. I will begin to feel better tomorrow. Just do this dance with Sheridan and me tonight, okay? Please," Elizabeth put on her best pout.

Pilar's mood became lighter, "Very well. Does Sheridan know what she has to do?"

"Not yet." Just then the music ended and everyone around them clapped for Luis and Sheridan. She laughed at how shocked they were that everyone was watching them.

Just as Sheridan was about to make a run for it Elizabeth stepped in front of her. "Where do you think you are going?"

"Umm, I just wanted to go get something to drink. That Tango really wore me out. Didn't it wear you out Luis?" Sheridan knew that Elizabeth was planning to do something to her and she wanted a way out. Too bad for her that Luis also had picked up on Elizabeth's tone, he knew that he wasn't part of Liz's original plan, but if he didn't get out of the way he would become a part of it.

"I am going to, umm, go talk to Ethan, yeah. I'll leave you two alone. Talk to you later," Luis half ran to find Ethan and avoided Sheridan's glare.

Elizabeth smirked as she watched Luis go find the person that he loathed the most, "Well dear now that we are alone. Theresa and her mother challenged us to a Flamenco dance off. I figured I would accept on your behalf."

"Gee, mom. You shouldn't have," Sheridan's voice was full of sarcasm. Then she noticed the way that Elizabeth was looking at her. "What?"

Elizabeth could scarcely speak, "You called me mom." She hugged Sheridan with all of her might.

"Does that mean I get out of the Flamenco dance?" Sheridan was hopeful

Elizabeth shook her head, "Nope, but I'll let you off easy. I won't start out with my intermediate moves, just so that you can keep up. But after the first round, don't expect any favors. I plan you putting you back in your place Sheridan. You got lucky the last time we did this."

Sheridan rolled her eyes, "Yeah sure Liz. Whatever you say."

"The band is about to start," Theresa informed them, she could not hide her excitement.

"Time to put out or get out Sherie. I am going get you this time," Elizabeth said as the woman moved to the center of the dance floor. A group of people gathered round to watch as the four women stood facing each other, each taking a side of the invisible square that they made.

"Liz, you are really overconfident tonight. I would be careful if I were you," Sheridan smiled at her mother and the music began.

The woman started to dance doing the same basic steps but then Theresa entered the center of the square and started to do some more complicated hand and foot movements, keeping in time with the music. Everyone clapped as she moved back to her position.

Next was Pilar's turn and in keeping with the tradition of the dance off she preformed move that were similar to her daughter but she added twists and turns to it. She then added some moves of her own. Again the crowd clapped.

"What's going on in there," Hank asked his brother.

Sam shrugged, "I don't know and I don't really care."

"Come on bro, come with me and lets see what's got this people all railed up. Grace, you don't mind do you?" Hank knew how to get what he wanted from his brother.

"No of course not Hank. Go on Sam, go see what's going on, I'll be with you in a moment," Grace said a sweet as pie voice.

Hank grabbed his brother's arm and started to drag him towards the crowd. "You heard her Sam, let's get going."

"Why are you doing this Hank?" Sam asked as his brother pushed their way to the front of the crowd.

"I've always wanted to see Pilar dance the Flamingo," Hank had a stupid grin on his face.

"That's Flamenco Hank, and I don't think that is the reason you dragged me along with you," Sam was hushed by his brother as Sheridan entered the center of the square.

Sheridan did the same thing that Pilar had done to Theresa's movements of the dance. She added her own style to each movement that Theresa and done and then added to what Pilar had done. Lastly she did some moves of her own, which she had picked up in Spain when she used to watch Gypsies dance the Flamenco for money. She threw Elizabeth a look as she went back to her place.

Elizabeth just smiled. She had seen that Hank and Sam had moved into the crowd but they were not close enough for her liking. She had do something that would get them closer but would not be to hard for Theresa to follow. She decided to add the skirt aspect to the dance, which the other had not used before. She entered the center and moved her hands so that she would be able to pick up the corner of her skirt in a fluid movement. She almost laughed because she knew it was going to be hard for Sheridan to follow her example

get this gear!