Disclaimer: I don't own Angel or any of the characters from the show. I am just taking them off the shelf, dusting them off, and letting them play with some of the people from my shelf. I promise to put everything back where I found it when I am done.

Author's Note: This is my first Angel fan fiction. I will admit that all the characters do not act like they do on the show but I really do try. Also my English is not that great, it is not my first language so I will apologize for any grammar mistakes, misused words, and general screw ups now.

I really hope you enjoy it and please review. Romance will happen at some point, most likely it will just be hinted at, but I am a hopeless romantic so. Thanks so much to my Beta MeriBeth for checking my P's and Q's.

Note on the Name: Keep in mind the first chapter of this story was written before Angel names his son and when he does name him I will change the name in my story. So don't be surprised if in the second chapter he wakes and says 'Hey, I have decided to name him (insert name chosen on show)."

Yellow- Chapter 1: Past Prefect
by Annabelle

She turned her head quickly. Her eyes darted from one corner of the room to another. Nothing was there; she was just imagining things again. Letting out a small breath of relief Winifred Burkle crossed her small bedroom to stand in the center next to the small baby crib that had been placed there a few days ago. Brown tendrils of her hair floated just above the sleeping head of the baby boy. She reached out her hand and stroked his cheek. "Sleep well little one," her voice was soft and there was a faint sadness to it.

How could he not sleep well? He had not spent the last five years of his life in a demon dimension were humans were treated like labor beasts. His mind was never flooded with images of the terrible things that he was made to do and the horrible way he had been treated. He did not wake at night sobbing softly until he fell asleep again. No, he was an innocent little baby who had yet to find out about the cruelties of this world and other worlds around it. Fred sighed looking down at his small sleeping form feeling slightly jealous of him for half a second. Not a day would go by where she did not wish that she could just forget what had happened to her for the last five years of her life and go back to being normal. Only, she was not even sure what normal was for her.

Fred looked at the windowsill to her left and noticed that there was a black marker sitting on it. The marker had been lying there for months now, forgotten. Walking quietly so as not to wake the baby Fred went to pick up it up. She then looked at her blank white walls, taking off the marker cap and leaving it on the windowsill. She walked up close to one of the walls and raised the marker in her hand. Her head was spinning from all these thoughts. If she could just write them down all at once she was sure it would stop.

Then just as she was about to let the marker touch the wall she heard a whimper come from baby. She dashed over to the baby's side and let the marker fall to the floor. "Hush now, everything is okay," she said as she scooped the small boy up in her arms. She bounced the baby up and down a little and held him close as she walked toward the window again.

The sun would be up in another few hours and everyone would be returning. This thought made her happy, as she hated to be left alone in the hotel. Sure she was not really alone because she was there taking care of Angel's son, but how could she protect him if they were attacked by some demon or something like that.

Angel had explained to her that because of her being in Pylea. She was best suited for taking the baby and find a safe place for it and herself if need be. Plus, he added she knew how to care for the baby best out of all of them if anything happened to him. She did not mind much expect they had made a rule for her. If no one returned a half an hour after sun up or did not at least call, she was to take the baby and go straight to Caritas. Once there she was to get money from Lorne and get out of town as fast as she could. Angel told her specifically not go to Sunnydale, which confused her. She thought the safest place for the baby would be Sunnydale where the girl with the funny name could protect it. But Angel insisted that that would be the first place someone would look for her and his son.

So they started to brain storm ideas and throwing them out to be discussed. However none of their ideas offered Fred and the baby any protection, they were basically going to have to keep moving, and keep one step ahead of anyone who was looking for them. Then Angel received a phone call from Rupert Giles, a member of an elite group known as the Watchers Council. Giles, as they all called him, was asking Angel to keep an eye out for any strange happenings in Sunnydale as he had returned to England and was concerned for his slayer and her friends. Angel told him that he would do what he could and told his friends about Giles return to his home country. This prompted Wesley to suggest that they ask the Watcher's Council for help. His suggestion led to hours of discussion, some yelling, and lots of unpleasantness. Then they came up with the idea of just asking Giles for help. Since he was England and had the support of the Slayer, the Council would no doubt do as he asked with out question, for if they did not listen to him they all knew that their Slayer would abandon the Council in a heartbeat.

The plans were made after many phone calls and a lot of explaining. A final decision was reached and help was sought to make things safe for Fred and the baby. If anything happened to Angel and the others Lorne was to give money to Fred to help her and Angel's son get to England, he would of course be paid back as a trip for two to England was not a ten-cent matter. Then Mr. Giles would give her and the baby new identities and would look after them. The Watchers Council was only to be told that she and the baby were to be protected at all costs. The Slayer, Fred still liked to think of her as the girl with the funny name because in all honesty what cruel person names their child Buffy, and her friends in Sunnydale were basically to be told the same thing unless it became absolutely necessary for them to know the whole truth. For some reason Angel was really hesitant about telling Buffy about his son, Fred could not figure out why. She thought everyone would be happy for Angel but she could sense that he did not think that the people in Sunnydale would have a positive reaction to the news that he had a son.

Fred bit her lip a little as she reviewed the escape plan in her head over and over as she held the baby close to her chest and strained her eyes in the darkness to see if she could make out an outline of her friends returning. Then off in the distance she saw two familiar headlights and she let out a breath. Her body started to relax as the image of her three friends were brought into focus. She watched them pull up in front of hotel and looked down at their sleepy forms.

A man in long black leather coat was the first out of the car. "Hey Fred!" Angel called up to her in an excited whisper, "Is that my son you have there?"

"Of course it is doofus," a woman with a chin length hair cut scolded him. "Fred do you really think it is safe to hold him so near a window?"

"Sure it is, don't worry Cordelia," Fred smiled down at them. "It's not like I'm gonna drop him or anything."

"Oh this is so silly," Cordelia turned to Angel. "It is about time you name that boy. He is your own son for crying out loud!"

The dark form of Gunn exited the car and joined in, "Cordy's right man."

"As right as she maybe this is not a conversation to have outside at this hour," the Englishman, Wesley, interjected. "Fred we will meet you downstairs. Come inside everyone."

Fred nodded at Wesley and the others and watched them enter the Hyperion Hotel and she was just about to turn away from the window when she noticed something in the bushes. There were two small twinkles of yellow that looked a bit familiar to her. She looked more closes at the yellow glimmers that looked like tiny globes of light but in the next second they were gone. Fred blinked a couple of times and strained her eyes to see through the darkness, but there was nothing. Whatever had been there was gone now.

"What about William?" Gunn suggested as Fred walked down the stairs.

"No!" Angel said vehemently.

Gunn shrugged, "Just a thought."

"William was Spike's name before he was turned," Wesley whispered to Gunn. Gunn made a sound that indicated he had forgotten that little fact.

"How about Patrick," Cordy said, thinking that Patrick was a pretty good name.

Angel scrunched up his nose as he gently took the baby from Fred once she had finished descending the stairs. "I never really liked that name," he said to them. He smiled a little and bounced his son up and down in his arms.

"What about Liam?" said Fred who was now standing next to Wesley. Everyone just looked at her for a moment not sure of what to say. "Well I mean it was your name but still."

"Fred," Cordelia started to say something but she could not form the words. She looked at the others as if to ask them to say something that would explain what she was thinking.

"Well Fred it is just that," Wesley started to say and lightly put his had on her shoulder. "It is a good suggestion but."

Angel knew that the others were not going to come up with a reason not to give his son his old human name, that or they were not going tell each other why he would never name anyone after his old self. "It would seem like a good idea but," Angel sucked in a breath, regardless of the fact that he did not actually breath. "I never really liked Liam though, the person not the name."

"Oh," was all Fred managed to squeak out.

"Hey it's the thought that counts right," Cordelia tried to let Fred know that they appreciated her effort.

"Yeah, sun's up. I am going into the garden if you guys don't mind. The plants need to be watered." She started to leave before any of them had a chance to answer.

"Fred wait," Angel tried to call after her.

"I'll go talk to her," Wesley told them.

Cordelia shook her head though. "Let me Wesley," she said. When Wesley gave her slightly hurt look Cordelia explained herself. "There is something else going on. I just have this feeling about it." She left the room so no one was given a chance to protest.

She watched Fred for a few moments. The former librarian seemed to be lost in another world of her own. Cordelia felt bad for her and sighed a little. "Hey Fred," she said with a quiet voice. "How are you doing?"

Fred looked up briefly, "Oh fine, fine." She busied herself with the watering can in her hand and seemed to be entranced by it.

"Are you sure," said Cordelia. "I mean I know that was kind of weird and all with Angel and the baby. He will find the right name though. Give it time." Fred just nodded at her. Cordy was unsure of how to bring up what she really wanted to talk about.

The truth was few days ago they had all noticed that Fred never said anything to them about her life before Pylea. Wesley thought this might be inhibiting her recover and adjustment to living in this world. Everyone agreed but they had not found a good way to bring it up. Then came the multiple issues of Angel's son and they put off any thought of talking to her. Now seems to be a good a time as any, Cordy thought to herself. "So Fred," she started to speak in a gentle tone, "how come you never talk about your life before going to Pylea."

"I don't really remember all that much," Fred shrugged. She slowly lifted the can and started to water a new plant. She was very careful not to make eye contact. "I can remember bits and pieces but nothing real. Nothing that I can grasp on. I remember my parents the most. But sometimes," Fred voice started to get quiet and was almost a whisper. "Sometimes I remember this girl. I can just make out her face but it is still a little burly. But I get this feeling that, well that she was my fried. A good friend."

"What was her name," Cordelia asked softly.

Fred shook her head, "I don't remember. It's all fuzzy. Like when you first wake and you have sleep in your eyes and you blink and blink but you can't see until you get up and go put some water on your face. But by the time you do that you have forgotten whatever it was that you were dreaming about and it happens over and over again every day, so you are doomed to never really remember what you were dreaming about." Fred felt a little sad but she pushed the feeling down and kept to the plants. This was something she did not want to talk about.

Cordelia however pressed one with her questions, "Have you tried keeping a journal by you bed. I have heard that if you do that you can write down what you were dreaming about and then review it later."

"Well I don't really know if that would help," Fred started to mumble. "I mean it is all so confusing when I wake up and then I can't even see without my glasses. Besides what if what I dream doesn't make any sense. I mean dreams aren't suppose to make sense. They are just you subconscious working in your sleep and now a days people are saying that they is really no purpose to dreams."

"But if it is about your past then you really should try to remember," Cordelia insisted. "Your past is an important part of you, you can't just- "

"No, no, no," Fred shook her head vehemently. "I can't remember. I don't want to. It hurts too much. I don't want to." With that she threw down the watering can and ran out of the garden.

"Fred!" Cordy ran after her.

"Hey Fred, could you," Angel started to speak as she entered the lobby of the hotel but she ran right past him and head straight for the doors. "Fred, hold on a second."

It was too late though. Fred was gone through the doors of the hotel and into the outside world and there was nothing Angel could do about it because of the sun. He looked around and the rest of the people standing around him. Then he turned to Cordelia. "What happened?" he asked her.

"I was trying to get her to remember stuff and then she totally started to wig out. Then she pulled a Party of Five on me and took off," Cordelia felt bad about what had happened. She might have been pushing too hard, but she wasn't going to let everyone know that it was bothering her.

"Wesley will you," Angel started to ask his friend to go after Fred but Wesley had around put his coat on and was head out the door.

"I'll call as soon as I find her," Wesley said and then was gone.

Everyone stood around for a few more moment but then Gunn spoke up, "Well I am gonna head home and try to get some sleep. See ya guys later. And."

"We'll call when he finds her," Cordelia finished for him. "Have a nice nap Gunn."

Angel and Cordelia stood in the lobby for a while after Gunn had left. They really did not have anything to do or say. They were not looking at each other but rather at Angel's son, who was still in desperate need of a name. The boy started to whimper a little. "Shh, it will be alright," Angel rocked him in his arms but the whimpers did not subside. "I have a feeling that Fred was better at this."

"Hey don't sell yourself short," Cordy scold him lightly. "You are the first vampire parent. Besides no one every gets it right at first. It is a learning process. I am sure that he just senses something is up."

"It's okay," Angel spoke in a whisper to his son, hold the boy close to him. "It's okay Garren, we are will find her."

"Garren," questioned Cordelia. "You are going to name him Garren?" This time her voice had a hit of disgust in it.

"What's wrong with Garren?" Angel asked with is eyebrows a little furrowed.

"Nothing I guess," said Cordelia. "Why don't we put it to a vote when everyone gets back?" She did not like the idea of the future savior of humanity being named Garren.

Angel scowled a little, "A vote? He is my son! Why shouldn't I be able to name him whatever I want?"

"Sure, fine, whatever," she said.

"Well Garren and I are going to bed," he stalked away pretending to be mad, but he really could never be mad at her.

Cordy let out a little moan. "I am the only one here that cares that we stay in business?" she demanded to know from the empty room. She rolled her eyes and decided to start some work. Someone had to keep this place running, besides once Wesley and Fred got back they would insist on her getting some sleep. She started to tie up some old accounts and made a few phone calls to pass the time until they returned.


Fred had stop running a while ago. She was out of breath and her feet hurt. Eventually she would go back to the hotel, it was the safest place, but right now she just wanted to outside of the hotel grounds. Fear was keeping Fred away from her friends. It was the fear of something familiar, something that had happened before. She just could not put her finger on it. The one thing that she did know was that it was best that she stay away from the hotel and Angel's baby until she found out what was scaring her.

"Fred!" She heard a male voice call out to her and knew who it was before she looked around at him. Closing her eyes and saying a silent prayer that it was not him she turned. Wesley was standing just a few yards away from her and once he was sure that it was her he started to run toward her.

At first she smiled and let him get closer to her, but then she remembered what was going on. Unsure of what to do she just stood there for a few seconds. Then something in her head clicked and she started to run away from him and towards something else.

"Fred wait!" she heard him call out to her. "Please Fred, I just want to help." She just kept running though.

She ran past a few alleyways and was about turn down one of them when something grabbed her. "Wesley no!" she shouted in protest because she was sure that he had caught her. What she had not realized was that it could not be him because what she had been pulled into an alley. Not realizing this she turned to yell at Wesley for not letting her be, but she found that her voice was caught in her throat. There standing in front of her was something that scared her more than demons that she had faced the past five years. Something that filled her with so much dread that she felt like her mind and body were frozen. So using what sense she had left Winifred Burkle screamed.

get this gear!