Disclaimer: I don't own Angel or any of the characters from the show. I am just taking them off the shelf, dusting them off, and letting them play with some of the people from my shelf. I promise to put everything back where I found it when I am done.

Pairings: I promise it will be Wes/Fred and C/A, you are just going to have to wait a bit.

Distribution: As far as I know, Hello World: Fan Fiction Is Fun, WesleyFred mailing list, Angelfic mailing list, Fanfiction.net, Bookish, A Whole New World, and Majiks World of Fan Fic. Anyone else, ask first, please!

Author's Note: A short chapter before the Christmas break. Things are about to get really interesting for the whole group. Don't feel to sorry for Gunn, he will be around more next time around.

This story is now up on my website which is updated more frequently and has the banner which I created for Yellow on it. Please e-mail for the link if you don't see it.

Next chapter will be posted, I think sometime either before or after the New Year. It depends on my muse.

Thank yous: To my wonderful Beta Readers, MeriBeth and Hannahs_mom. You guys are greatest and you keep me in check! If you don't like this chapter blame them, they said it was good enough to post. Just kidding, it is my fault for writing it, but they did say that it was okay.

Yellow - Chapter 4
by Annabelle

Wesley woke up with the sun streaming through the window of his hotel room. Technically it was not his room, but it was the one he always went to if he spent late nights at the Hyperion. His thoughts went everything that had happened last night.

There were no calls and Cordelia had no visions, so she and Gunn left rather early. Before they left, Giles had come back down from Fred's room with the news that Evie's body was fighting the virus more effectively than expected. He was worried that she would be cured by the next day. If that happened he was not sure that any of them would be able to stop her from seeking a mate.

Giles had explained to them that under normal circumstances when Evie changed to her demon form it just made her a better fighter; however when she was going though the Bastlian breeding season she could not be reasoned with, and could become dangerous to those around her. He really was not sure how to contain her because he had never had to deal with her when she was breeding before. Normally the Watchers Council were the ones that looked after her, but now that she was not in England there really was not much they could do and she was is no condition to go back.

So the night had been spent looking through books and on the computer trying to find a way to keep Evelyn from regaining full health until after the mating season was finished. One week of insanity in which she had no control over her mind or body. They found a list of a few herbs and magic spells that might hold her back until the end of the week, but they all hoped that it would not come to that.

Wesley rubbed his temples slowly. It had been odd last night working with Giles. Ever since they had met it always felt like they were working against each other. He could tell that Giles was clearly worried about this girl whom he called his daughter. Wesley had talked to him even though he had made it understood that he did not want to talk to anyone about it. Giles had explained that he and Evie had spent months working on their relationship and now it was at a very pivotal point and he wanted to prove to her that he could be there for her. Giles had pushed everyone to find what they could. He pushed Wesley so hard to search through books at a speed that was not humanly possible that the younger English man finally snapped under the pressure. He told Giles they would help him but they were not going to be his servants and clean up the mess he had made.

After that things had gone much more smoothly. The rest of the night was quiet and uneventful. They decided that Gunn would go with Giles in the morning and buy the list of herbs from the shops while Wesley and Fred looked after Evie and kept searching for other cures. Angel and Cordelia would take any calls for Angel Investigations and of course take care of Connor.

Wesley was about to turn over and try to get another few minutes of sleep when he felt a warm sensation crawl over his skin. For a moment his mind went totally blank and then thoughts of Fred started to come crashing into his head. Images of her were racing through his mind at such a fast speed that he felt like he could not breathe. Sitting straight up in bed Wesley worked to try to calm his breathing, but there was too much pressure on his chest.

He swung his feet over the side of the bed and started to head toward the window hoping that some fresh air would help. Once he was standing his thoughts started to clear. He had to see Fred; he had to get to her. If he stayed away a moment longer it would kill him. There was no time to get a shower or change. He needed to see her, now.

"Winnie," Evie whispered to her sleeping friend. "Winnie." Fred did not move. Sighing Evie got off the bed she had been allowed to sleep in. She carefully stepped over Fred's sleeping form and headed to the bathroom. "So cold," Evie gasped when her feet touched to tiled floor. "A hot shower will make everything better."

She let the water heat up while she found towels and some clothes that her father had left with her. Reaching out one hand she tested the water, "Scalding hot. Perfect!" Evie smiled and stepped into the shower.

Wesley slowly opened the door to Fred's room. He heard the water running in the bathroom and turned to look at the person sleeping on the mattress on the floor. There she was just lying there asleep looking absolutely breathtaking. He had to touch her.

Crossing the room silently he kneeled down next her and reached out his hand to brush away a few strands of hair that had fallen across her face. She sighed a little in her sleep but still did not wake up. Wesley smiled and bent over to cover her lips with his.

Fred's eyes flew open. She was looking right at Wesley and he was kissing her. She sprang back from him. "Wesley," she whispered harshly at him. "What are you doing here?"

"Relax," Wesley whispered back. "Evie is in the shower."

"Oh," Fred nodded slowly at him. She could feel the heat coming off of his body. Something was not right. "Well in that case. Evie!"

Wesley fell back, "What are you shouting about?"

"Winnie," Evie came running out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her. "What's going on?"

"Evie!" Giles came rushing into the room. Then he saw Wesley and Fred on the floor. "Good god man, get a hold of yourself."

"Would someone mind telling me what is going on here," Evie was very upset. "Fred calls me and I find she is making out with the younger version of you. Then you come rushing in here like the world is ending and tell him to get a hold of himself. And I still have shampoo in my hair. I would like to finish my shower sometime today!"

"Evie," Giles looked at her. "How are you feeling?"

"Like a truck ran over me; but otherwise okay," Evie shook her head.

Fred stood up and went to feel Evie's forehead, "She is warm. But I don't understand. How come I wasn't affected? I mean, I was with her all night."

"You are a woman," Giles theorized. "Her pheromones would not start affecting you until they reached a higher level." Then he turned to Wesley who was starting to eye Fred again, "As for you. Go take a cold shower and put on some clothes." Then pointed to Evie, "You too. Cold, not hot."

"You are so mean," Evie growled at him. "It is not my fault he can't control himself. You seem to be fine."

"I am older and your father. Therefore you will take a cold shower and be quick about it," Giles scolded her. "I want everyone downstairs in the lobby in ten minutes." He turned around and left shutting the door behind him. Giles walked a few paces and then took out the cloth that he kept in his pocket and dabbed his forehead.

Once they were all down stairs Evelyn started to pace the room. She was starting to look somewhat like a caged. Every now and then she would throw her arms up in the air and then glare at them. Finally she got sick of them just staring at her, "So where is the resident vampire and his miracle son? I thought he owned this place?"

"Angel is sleeping," Fred replied quietly.

"Well does he keep any real food in this place or just blood?" snarled Evie.

Fred felt bad for her friend. She knew that it wasn't Evelyn's fault that she was being testy, it was just what happened to her during this time. "Come with me to the kitchen we can find you something to eat."

"Is that alright with you father?" Evie hissed to Giles.

Giles was staring at Wesley and did not bother to look at he, "You two can go. Wesley will stay here with me."

"Whatever," Evie rolled her eyes and then followed Fred to the kitchen.

"Are you thinking clearly now?" Giles asked Wesley.

"Yes," Wesley shook his head then looked at Giles. "Listen Rupert, I am really sorry about what happened earlier."

Giles scoffed a little, "Yes, well why don't we try hard to forget that moment? I am very concerned though."

"About Evelyn?"

Giles nodded.

"You said yourself though, the chances of her actually finding an mate here in LA are very slim," Wesley reminded him.

"The chances of her finding a Bastlian mate are slim," Giles agreed. "But the chances of her going after someone who is not Bastlian are still high. Evie only needs to find someone whom her demon self would consider to be a good mate and yield strong offspring."

"So are you saying," Wesley started make sense of Giles was suggesting. " Are saying that she might mate with a human?"

"No," said Giles. "She would never mate with a human. Although she might use a human to umm, get worked up. Evelyn has had her mind played with by the Council. She will seek out a mate that is half demon or full. Damn them!" Giles pounded his fist into the counter that he was leaning on. "If only they had used their stupid mind games to do something useful, like to train her not to seek a mate until she was old enough."

"Why didn't they?" Wesley wondered. "I mean they thought having her around would be such a gift. Why not make sure that their gift was safe?"

"In case they could not control her," Giles took off his glasses and started to rub his eyes. "They wanted to make sure that they would have a way to get rid of her. If Evelyn were to get pregnant then her baby would be carried at least until the third term before her body gave out. If that were to happen then the Council would have another demon baby to try and control all over again."

"I never that the they could be so…" Wesley started to speak. "No I take that back. I did know and I can believe it." Then he looked Giles in the eyes, "What are you going to do about it?"

"The best that I can," Giles put his glasses back on. "When is your friend, Gunn getting in?"

"Soon, I could call him to check if you like," Wesley offered.

"No that is alright," Giles brushed off the question. "Are you sure you are going to be able to handle her?"

"Well as long as she doesn't try to rip my lungs out again," Wesley grinned a little.

Giles grimaced. Clearly there were some things that Wesley was still naïve about, "I meant Fred. She is the one that has most direct contact with Evelyn. If she starts to come under the influence of Evie's pheromones her reaction will be pretty intense."

"Oh well," Wesley started to become flustered. "Maybe we should keep the cold water running."

"That might be a good idea," Giles managed to hold back his laughter.

"Hello people," Gunn announced cheerily as he and Cordelia walked into the hotel.

"Is someone using the kitchen?" Cordy sniffed the air.

Fred came into the lobby with two plates of what looked like a typical English breakfast. "Oh Charles, Cordelia, you're here," Fred smiled at them. "Evie was just making some breakfast for us. Would you like some?"


The morning had started atypical from any other they had ever had. Evelyn cooked them all a wonderful breakfast except for Angel who was still not to be seen. Evie started to clean away the breakfast dishes with some help from Cordelia who was starting to warm up to the girl.

"Are you feeling better?" Cordelia asked her when they were inside the kitchen.

"Yes," Evie frowned. "But it will be okay. My father and your friend are going out soon. They will get the things they need and then I will be right as rain. Well wrong as rain, I guess."

Cordelia laughed, "You know Fred once told me that rain couldn't be right or wrong."

"That is something she would say," Evie paused for a moment. "I think your vampire is up."

"Oh, you can really tell that he's up?" Cordy's interest had been peaked.

Evie nodded, "One of the little gifts I got. That and I can tell when anyone part demon is around. It is a scent thing."

"So do you have any other powers, I mean besides giving off large doses of pheromones?" asked Cordy.

"Well I have the same abilities as any Bastlian. Well any cat really, part of the downfall of being modeled after the Cat Goddess," Evie shrugged. "But other than that, I am just your average half demon."

"I smell food," Angel's voice sounded from behind them. "Do you smell it too Connor? Huh? Do you?" Angel baby talked to his son and held him close to his face.

"Don't do that," Cordy rushed over to Angel to try to take Connor. "You are going to traumatize him."

Evie laughed at them, "Do you want me to heat up some of his formula?"

"No," Angel snapped at her. Then Cordy gave him a sharp look. "I mean, no thank you," his voice softened. "I can do it myself."

"Alright then," Evelyn turned back to the sink, which she and Cordelia had placed all the dishes in. "I will just finish cleaning up here."

Then there was a tense silence in the kitchen as Angel prepared the baby's formula and Evelyn washed the dishes. When the formula was ready Cordelia offered to take it and Connor into the other room. She gave Angel a look and mouthed the words talk to her before she left.

Angel sighed which caused Evie to jump. "Sorry," he apologized. "I didn't mean to startle you."

"You didn't," Evie replied. "Okay well you did. I just didn't know that vamps sighed. I mean I was told to stake them, not to talk to them."

"The Council trained you like a slayer," Angel was startled by this news. "Giles never said anything like that. He said they taught you to fight, but I thought he just meant fight off other Bastlians."

"Evie!" Giles called into the kitchen.

"Yes dad," Evie signaled for Angel to be quiet.

"I am going out now with Gunn. We'll be back later," he did not come bother to go into his daughter because he knew that he and Gunn had to hurry.

Evie shouted back at him in a merry voice, "Good luck then. See you later!"

Then she waited a few moments to see if he would say anything else. He did not. "He doesn't like to talk about that," Evie told Angel. "The Council did a lot of things that he wishes he could have prevented. He knew that I would be a fighter. But once the Council lost both slayers they started to train me to do their job.

"It was their foolish hope that I would be like a replacement slayer. But that never happened. I am not that strong. Besides, the whole going crazy once a year thing really puts me at a disadvantage."

Angel nodded. Then before he said anything else he felt something. Heat was coming from Evelyn. Slowly her body temperature was starting to rise. He moved to grab her wrist and she started to back away from him but she ended up backing into the sink.

"You are getting better," he hissed at her when his hand came in contact with her skin. Then before he could say anything else he felt a sensation of warmth start to spread over him. Slowly he took his other hand and pressed it against her face. At first he thought he saw fear in her eyes but then he saw something else, something dark.

She reached out her hand and touched him. "You know what you have to do," she said simply. He nodded and let go of her and started to walk out of the kitchen. A smile crossed Evie's face and her eyes started to twinkle.

get this gear!