Disclaimer:  I don't own Angel or any of the characters from the show. I am just taking them off the shelf, dusting them off, and letting them play with some of the people from my shelf. I promise to put everything back where I found it when I am done.

Pairings:  I promise it will be Wes/Fred and C/A, you are just going to have to wait a bit.

Distribution:  As far as I know, WesleyFred mailing list, Angelfic mailing list, Fanfiction.net, Bookish, A Whole New World, Majiks World of Fan Fic, Coffeerooms, and Hello World: Fan Fiction is Fun.  Anyone else, ask first, please!

Author's Note: Quick one, There is only one more chapter left of this story. And as always replies to the feedback at at the bottom of the page

Thank Yous:  To my beta MeriBeth who told me that I was doing the right thing and that it really could be spelt Bast or Bastet.  To my readers for being so understanding during the family emergency that I had to deal with and waiting so nicely for this next chapter to be put up.

Update Notification:  There has been a list created to let people know about updates, if you have not received e-mail about it here is the link to get on it.  Or you can just give a shout out in feedback form and I can sign you up directly to the list. To Subscribe: FFIF_updates-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Prequel and Sequel News:  If you haven’t joined the e-mail list you will want to.  The Prequel, titled English Demons will be coming out and it deals with Giles and Evie’s relationship and gives more hints to the connection between Evie and Fred.  Also the Sequel is in the works.  It will be called That Christmas Thing.  It is a direct sequel to this story.

Yellow – Chapter 7: Subjuctive
by Annabelle

Giles watched her with worry.  She had lost massive amounts of blood and passed out before they got her to the hotel.  He saw her try to open her eyes when he was talking to her and placing the washcloth on her face but she was too weak to respond.  He told Fred that everything was going to be alright, and he wished with every fiber of his being that he was right.  She had been wavering in and out of consciousness for the past three days, which was just long enough for Bastlian mating season to be over.

Everyone had been taking turns sitting with Evelyn.  Somewhere between last night and this morning her body took on a will of its own and changed back into her human form.  When Evie morphed she scared Gunn witless, as he was the one sitting with her at the time.  It had been a rather hilarious scene to watch unfold and the memory brought a smile to his face.

“Hey there smile man,” Evie’s voice was scratchy.

“Good afternoon,” said Giles.

Evie sat up a little and regretted the action.  “Afternoon?  Already?” she put her hand to her head.

“Yes technically,” Giles got up to get her some water.  “But it is afternoon three days after you went to sleep.”

“Three days!” he heard her yelp from the bed.  “It doesn’t feel like it has been that long.”

“Well you were sleeping.”

Evie looked down at her arms that were covered in cuts and buries.  “Do I remember being exsanguinated?” she asked when she found a gash healing on her stomach.

“You do,” Giles handed her the water.  “How much do you recall?”

“It is fuzzy really,” Evie slipped her water slowly.  Then she noticed the eye that he was giving her.  “Oh all right!  I remember the whole lot of it!   But believe me I don’t want to.  I even remember changing back into human form in front of Gunn, but I swear that wasn’t my fault.”

“Yes well, you gave him a bit of a shock but I am sure he is over it now,” Giles got up and started to pace the room.

Putting her water down on a near by nightstand Evelyn got a very serious look on her face.  “So,” she prompted him.

“So?” his questioning look only infuriated her because she suspected that he was playing dumb on purpose.

“Tell me what has been going on in the hotel,” her voice was full of excitement.  “With Angel and Cordelia not to mention Fred and Wesley.  I mean come on dad!  Inquiring minds want to know!”

“Nothing has been going on,” Giles gave her a slight scowl.  “Angel and the others have been running their operation normally with the exception of having someone watch you.  Wesley and Fred have pretty much been avoiding each other.  And Connor is just he cutest little baby you ever saw.”

“Hello,” Evie was offended.  “Your own daughter is laying right hear listening to this abuse.”

“Oh, sorry,” He gave her a wicked smile.

“So all of my hard work has gone to waste?” Evie started to pout.  “Well I am not about to let my suffering be for nothing.  After all I did almost mate with that green thing.”

“Evie!” the sharp tone that Giles spoke with let her know that she was in trouble.  “First of all that is a very mean thing to say about Lorne.  Secondly, if I didn’t know better I would say that you let yourself get better on purpose to play matchmaker.”

“Did not, would not,” Evie shook her head at him.  “I just thought why not use what I had to my advantage.  Besides, I don’t have that much control over it.  It is all mostly instinct.  Acting off what is already there and stuff like that.”  Evie pointed her finger at him.  “You were the one that left two girls and two boys here when you knew very well that I was getting better!”

Giles scoffed at her.  “Well I still think that you should go apologize to Gunn and Lorne.  You want to have them on your side after all.”

She fell back into her pillows and sulked.  “I don’t want to!”

“Evie,” he warned her.

“Oh alright,” she stuck her bottom lip out at him.  “But if they start to hit on me I will blame you completely.  It is not really my fault that I become this sex-crazed demon who can’t control her actions.  How come I have to be held responsible for the actions of those around me?  It’s not fair.  And why do I need them on my side anyway?  I expect the Council will be wanting us to go back to England any day now.”

“Well,” Giles sat back down next to her.  “I got a call from Quinten this morning.”

“Oh lovely,” she smiled at him.  “How is my favorite godfather doing?”  Giles glared at her.  “What?  Just because you don’t like him I have to hate him too?  He has never been anything but nice, truthful, and thoughtful to me.”

“Truthful!” Giles said in a huff.

“Can we please not do this right now,” Evie put her hand on his.  “I know you don’t like him and you know I do.  Let’s just agree that we don’t agree about him.”  She felt him relax, “Now what did he say?”

Giles smiled at her for a moment then moved to take off his glasses and clean them, “He said that I was to stay here and be Buffy’s Watcher again.”

“What!” Evie sat straight up and looked as if she were about to kill someone.  “Okay, now I agree with you.  He is a horrible man and a liar!   He told me that you would be staying in England with all of us and that he was going to send a new Watcher to Buffy.  He promised!”

“Evelyn please calm down,” Giles was trying his best to keep a straight face.  “He does not want you going back to England either.”

“Oh no!” Evie stood up out of bed nearly knocking her father over in the process.  “If he thinks that he can just kick me out of my own house he’d better think again.  I’ll…” She stopped her rant because she noticed something.  There was a picture of her and Fred on the nightstand next to the water glass.  It was from when they were little girls in Texas.  She looked around the room and started to notice other things that were hers.  Things that were suppose to be in her townhouse, which was just outside of Luton so that she was between Oxford, Cambridge, and London.  “These are mine,” Evie reached out and touched a small porcelain cat that was sitting on the dresser.  Then she looked down at her clothes, “Hey, this is my favorite pair of pajamas, how did you know?”

“James told me,” Giles tensed for a second at the thought of the other Watcher knowing what his daughter liked.  “He sent over some of the stuff that he knew you would want here.  The rest is being taken to Winbourne in Oxfordshire.”

“Ahh,” she sat back down on the bed.  “The Giles family estate that stands tall and proud in the county with the big school.  Warms your heart really.  It is nice to be well off.”

Giles laughed at her, “Well that is what happens when your family has been involved with a council of elite men and women for generations.”

“Yeah but they aren’t smart enough to know when not to let things be,” Evie frowned at him.  “I worked hard to get those people together and you didn’t even notice it.  Some watcher you are.  Can’t even notice when two people are destined to be with each other.”

He looked at the floor rubbed his temples a little.  “If they were destined to be with each other then they will still be with each other.  Just let time take its course,” he gave her a look that said, let the powers that be do their own job.

“Time takes way too long,” she said pointedly.  “Now I am going to take a shower and then see what I can rectify from the situation.  There has to be some way to still make things turn out the way that they are suppose to.”  She walked into the bathroom and called out behind her, “Where there is a will there is a way!  Carpe Diem!”

“Let sleeping dogs lie,” Giles countered.  He knew that it was not possible for her though.  When Evelyn got it in her head to do something it was more than likely it would be done.  Sighing he left the room to go tell everyone that she was up.

“So she is all de-demoned,” Cordy was very apprehensive about the whole thing.  The idea of this half demon staying at the hotel with Angel and Connor did not set well with her.

“I assure you she is perfectly safe until next year,” Giles tried to sound more confident than he felt.  “And by then we will all know more about the whole thing and what to do about it.”

“Yeah as long as she does not take anyone’s head of by then,” Cordelia retorted.  Then she stood next to Angel who was holding his son.  “And what about Connor?  How safe is he going to be with her around?”

“Connor will be fine,” Giles felt exasperated by all the questions that he had to answer over the past few days.

Cordy shook her head, “I don’t know about that.”

“Now see here,” Giles started to raise his voice but Fred interrupted him.

“Look, I know that ya all and Evie got off on the wrong foot, but the truth is that you don’t really know her,” Fred’s voice was quiet and determined.  “But I do.  I’ve known her all my life and there isn’t anyone on this Earth that I trust more with my life.

“Evie is the most loyal friend one could hope to have.  The reason she came to LA in the first place was out of concern for me.  She would never do anything to anyone that I cared about.  She is a good decent person.  And if I had a child there isn’t anyone who I would want protecting my baby besides her.”

Everyone was quiet now.  No one knew what to say at all.  Then Wesley came up behind Fred, “It is okay Fred.  We know how much having here her means to you.”

“Yeah,” Gunn agreed.  “Besides, girl’s got no where else to go.  That Watchers Council kicked her out of house and country.”

Fred turned to look at Angel expecting him to say something.  Cordelia was giving him the same look.  “She can stay here,” he said with a little sigh.  Cordy glared at him.  He turned to her, “Gunn is right, she has no where else to go.  Plus Giles says she knows a lot about demons from working with the Council.”  Then he leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear, “Besides Fred likes her and has really been changed since she got here.”

“Fine,” Cordelia submitted to the pressure from the people around her.  “We will give her a chance.”  Fred smiled at her.  “But only because she knows how to cook.”

Everyone managed to suppress their laughter as Cordelia acted like the decision to let Evelyn stay was up to her.  Fred let out a small breath of relief.  She was thankful that her friends were going to try to accept Evie.  For now everything would be prefect, it would be just like old times.  She tried to shake off the bad thoughts that came to her mind about what would have happened if Evie had not be allowed to stay.  She would have had to go with her back to England and she really did not think that her friends here would have understood why.

She and Evelyn were connected and their bond was strong and newly reinforced.  The powers had a plan for them and she knew that were Evelyn was she was to be.  It was just the way things where suppose to be, the guardian and her charge.  Fred smiled a little when she felt Wesley’s worried gaze fall on her.  She could not explain to him though, it was still a little unclear to her.  What was clear was that her soul and Evie’s had been connected before this lifetime, and for lifetimes before they had always found each other and were always side-by-side.  It was just part of the plan, although what that plan was she could not say.  Turning to Wesley she took his hand to try to reassure him and herself at the same time.

“Are you okay Fred,” Wesley asked her softly.  He ignored the others who were giving him looks.

“I am fine Wesley,” she laughed a little.  “Actually I don’t think I could be much better.  Everything is the way it suppose to be.”

“What do you mean,” Angel asked her.

Fred shook her head a little, “I don’t know.  But it feels right.”  Out of the corner of her eye she saw Cordelia shake her head but she ignored it.

“Hey everyone,” Evie called out from the bottom of the steps.  “Happy to see me?”  She laughed nervously.  No one said anything.  “Okay,” she looked at her feet.  “Well um, I guess you know that the Watchers Council wants me to stay here in LA so I just wanted to say thanks to Angel for letting me store my stuff here for now and I promise that Fred and I will be out of here as soon as I can find a good apartment.”

“What do you mean?” Wesley tried not to raise his voice.

Evie gave him a sad look, “I am her guardian.  It is a lot easier to watch over someone if you live in the same place.  Besides it will be a safer for her to be away from your demon hunting life style.”  She moved to stand next to her father.  He was giving her a strange look and Angel could swear that she smiled back at him.  But when she turned back to look at them the sadness from before had returned to her face.

Wesley was in total shock.  He did not know what to say.  The conversation that they had all just had left his mind completely. Here was this girl saying that she was going to have to take the Fred away and all he could see was red flags.  “What right do you have to tell her how to live?” his voice was full of anger.

“Wesley,” Fred tried to calm him.

“No!” Wesley started to wave his hand violently at Evelyn.  “You have not been a part of her life for five years now.  What makes you think that she even wants you back?  She is her own woman now and she does not have to do anything that she doesn’t want to.”

“Wesley,” Angel tried this time.

“Look I am sorry,” inside her head Evelyn was laughing.  This was going exactly how she had planned.  “But this is the way it has to be.  I am the one who was sent to care for her.  It is my responsibility to make sure that she as safe as she can be.”

“Evie,” Giles wanted for this discussion to stop before it spun out of control.

“You think that she will be safer with someone who turns into an uncontrollable pheromone producing demon once a year than with people who fight monsters professionally?”  Wesley looked as if a vein was going to pop out his head.  He was not about to let this happen without a fight.

“Now that is not fair!” Evie shouted back at him.  “That is the first time something like that ever happened.  The Council is always very careful.  Besides they would look after her when I couldn’t.”

“The Council,” Wesley shouted even louder and then scoffed.  “The Council would not be able to protect anyone even if they had a how to do manual to read.”

“Wesley!” Angel shouted this time.

“What!” Wesley painted a little because breathing was starting to become hard for him.

“Evie is going to be staying here at the hotel,” Angel tried to speak calmly even though he felt like smacking Wesley senseless.  “Remember the conversation that we all just had about two seconds ago.”

Wesley let his mouth fall open.  “Oh well,” he felt color start to rise in his face.  “Right then.  You aren’t going anywhere because you and Fred are suppose to be staying here.”

Evelyn bit her lip to keep her from laughing.  Then when she felt she could speak again she tried her best to sound endearing, “Thank you so much Angel.  But it really isn’t necessary.  It would be very easy for me to get an apartment and the Council will pay for it.”

“No, no,” Angel held up his hand.  “It is really alright.  Besides if you don’t accept I will have an angry mob on my hands I really don’t want to have to deal with that.”  He looked at Wesley then back at Evie.  “Really, really I don’t want to have to deal with it, please.  I am begging ya.”

Evie couldn’t help it this time.  She laughed, “Alright, I’ll stay.”

“It is settled then,” Giles sighed.  “You are staying and after you are set up here I will be going back to Sunnydale.”

“So you are really going back,” Evie said.  She frowned inwardly at the thought of him returning to his former life.

Giles nodded, “Yes, but it won’t be like last time.  I promise.”  Evie gave him a doubtful look but he just smiled at her.  “Now don’t you have something that you have to go do?”

Now Evelyn just scowled at her father, “Yes.”

“Where are you going Evie,” Fred asked.

“Trust me,” Evie opened the doors of the hotel with a heavy heart.  “You don’t want to know.”  She was gone before anyone could say anything else.

“And you say I am dramatic,” Angel looked at Cordelia.

She pretended not to hear what he said.  “Where is she going,” Cordy asked Giles.  She had to be in the know; it was just the way things were around here.

“To talk to Lorne,” Giles looked at the hotel doors.  “And apologize.”

“Oh,” was all anyone could say.  At that moment they all knew that they would rather not be in Evelyn’s shoes.  She was doing the right thing, but it certainly was not the easy thing.

“Hey, she didn’t apologize to me,” Gunn sounded a little offended.

Giles tried not to roll his eyes.  “She will, believe me.  She will.”

get this gear!